2023 StuPa election logo

YOU have voted!

Dear students of HAW Hamburg,
down below you will find more information regarding the elction Results.

Election Result

Election magazine


Day election

Dependent on your Department at following locations
from 04. to 08.12.
daily from 11:30 to 14:30

Evening election

at Berliner Tor 5 and Bergedorf
on 05. and 07.12.
respectively from 17:00 to 19:00


Dependent of your department, you can vote at the following locations:

Building Location
Alexanderstraße foyer, next to the mailboxes
Armgartstraße foyer
Bergedorf foyer, in front of the cafeteria
Berliner Tor 5 1st floor, next to the auditoriums
Berliner Tor 7 foyer, in front of the cafeteria
Finkenau foyer, in front of the cafeteria
